Tagged: Daily Promises

A TRIED STONE (see Is 28:16)

“Many are the troubles of the just man, but out of them all the Lord delivers him.” –Psalm 34:20 Mass Readings: March 31 First: Acts 3:1-10; Resp: Psalm 105:1-4,6-9; Gospel: Luke 24:13-35 Our trials, rather than being wasted time and experiences that keep us from being fruitful for Jesus, are actually a means to purify us and make us more fruitful disciples. “There is cause for rejoicing here. You may for a time have to suffer the distress of many trials; but this is so that your faith, which is more precious than the passing splendor of fire-tried gold, may...


“Search the Scriptures.” –John 5:39 Mass Readings: March 30 First: Acts 2:36-41; Resp: Psalm 33:4-5,18-20,22; Gospel: John 20:11-18 You are reading this book, One Bread, One Body, to “search the Scriptures in which you think you have eternal life” (Jn 5:39). You are right in your belief that the Scriptures will lead you to eternal life. “These [things] have been recorded to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in His name” (Jn 20:31). “If you believed Moses,” that is, the first part of the Bible,...


“I solemnly assure you, the man who hears My word and has faith in Him Who sent Me possesses eternal life.” –John 5:24 Mass Readings: March 29 First: Acts 2:14,22-33;Resp: Psalm 16:1-2,5,7-11;Gospel: Matthew 28:8-15 We have been given the greatest treasure: eternal life in Jesus, Who is the Resurrection and the Life (Jn 11:25), our Lord, Savior, and God. Because we have been given the greatest treasure – eternal life through faith – we have the greatest responsibility. “When much has been given a man, much will be required of him” (Lk 12:48). If we love people, we must tell...


“I saw water flowing.” –Ezekiel 47:1 Mass Readings: March 28 First: Acts 10:34,37-43; Resp: Psalm 118:1-2,16-17,22-23; Second: Colossians 3:1-4; Gospel: John 20:1-9 Water trickled “from beneath the threshold of the temple toward the east” (Ez 47:1). This trickle became a great river which emptied into the sea and made the salt waters fresh (Ez 47:8-9). Wherever this river flowed, it brought abundant life (Ez 47:12). In today’s psalm, the psalmist refers to “a stream whose runlets gladden the city of God” (Ps 46:5). Because God is present in His city and at this stream, this stream is a river of...


“There shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create.” –Isaiah 65:18 Mass Readings: March 27 First: Genesis 1:1–2:2 ;Second: Genesis 22:1-18;Gospel: Luke 24:1-12 Sadly, in our modern secular culture, there isn’t always rejoicing and happiness in what God creates. Many groan when God creates a new life in the womb. The following comments are routinely heard these days: “You’re pregnant again?” “That baby has birth defects. You should abort it.” “How will this world survive with so much overpopulation?” or “You ought to get that fixed.” Most importantly, God creates people anew in Baptism and via constant conversions....