Tagged: Daily Promises


“Lord, would You not have us call down fire from heaven to destroy them?” –Luke 9:54 Mass Readings: October 3 First: Zechariah 8:20-23; Resp: Psalm 87:1-7; Gospel: Luke 9:51-56 Listen to the Mass Readings Elijah called down fire from heaven on three occasions (see Sir 48:3). The apostles thought it would be good if they did the same. They were right. They needed fire. But they were wrong. They needed fire not to destroy the Samaritans but to destroy the sin in their hearts. On the first Christian Pentecost, fire came down from heaven (Acts 2:3). This fire purified Jesus’...


“Your attitude must be that of Christ.” —Philippians 2:5 Mass Readings: October 1 First: Ezekiel 18:25-28; Resp: Psalm 25:4-9;Second: Philippians 2:1-11; Gospel: Matthew 21:28-32 Listen to the Mass Readings We can have not only the heart and mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16) but also His attitude. Christ’s attitude was to empty (Phil 2:7) and humble “Himself, obediently accepting even death, death on a cross!” (Phil 2:8) The Lord’s attitude is “gentle and humble” (Mt 11:29). He came to serve, not to be served (Mt 20:28). He tells us to take the lowest place (Lk 14:10). The Lord “guides the...


“A man with a measuring line in his hand…” –Zechariah 2:5 Mass Readings: September 30 First: Zechariah 2:5-9,14-15; Resp: Jeremiah 31:10-13; Gospel: Luke 9:43-45 Listen to the Mass Readings In a vision, the prophet Zechariah raised his eyes and saw a man measuring Jerusalem in preparation for her restoration (Zec 2:6; see also Ez 40:3). St. John, the apostle and evangelist, was also given a measuring rod to “take the measurements of God’s temple and altar, and count those who worship there” (Rv 11:1). God’s people were measured to be protected from destruction. The Lord is still measuring people. On...


“His throne was flames of fire, with wheels of burning fire. A surging stream of fire flowed out from where He sat; thousands upon thousands were ministering to Him.” –Daniel 7:9-10 Mass Readings: September 29 First: Daniel 7:9-10,13-14; Resp: Psalm 138:1-5; Gospel: John 1:47-51 Listen to the Mass Readings Many people have a false impression of angels. They think angels are cute or sweet. This false impression contributes to a skewed view of God and of the entire plan of salvation. Many people think that life is a game and that life in Christ is nice, but not necessary. The...


“Consider your ways! You have sown much, but have brought in little.” –Haggai 1:5-6 Mass Readings: September 28 First: Haggai 1:1-8; Resp: Psalm 149:1-6,9; Gospel: Luke 9:7-9;Listen to the Mass Readings Today’s Reflection on the Mass Have you worked hard but gotten little out of it except a feeling of discontent? Have you eaten, bought, or consumed a lot but “not been satisfied”? (Hg 1:6) Have you stimulated yourself through drinking, distractions, sexual sin, sports, or entertainment but “not been exhilarated”? (Hg 1:6) Do you have a sense of emptiness and loss? We can be empty for many reasons. One...