Tagged: Daily Promises


“Do not grumble against one another, my brothers, lest you be condemned.” –James 5:9 When we’re suffering, we feel compelled to grumble, complain, blame, or swear (Jas 5:12). However, we should suffer in silence. Jesus is our Model. Did He ever grumble against the apostles? Did He complain at the agony in the garden? Did He throw the first stone (Jn 8:7) or swear in court to His innocence? (Mt 27:12) Jesus suffered in silence. After suffering much, Job came to the same conclusion: “I put my hand over my mouth. Though I have spoken once, I will not do...


“You have no idea what kind of life will be yours tomorrow.” –James 4:14 We think we know what we’re doing today or will do tomorrow or even next year. However, the truth is: “You have no idea what kind of life will be yours tomorrow.” We think we’re in control of our lives but, if we’re not in control of our deaths, how can we be in control of our lives? We “are a vapor that appears briefly and vanishes” (Jas 4:14). It is unrealistic, ignorant, and arrogant to think that we can do what we want, when we...


“I do believe! Help my lack of faith!” –Mark 9:24, our transl. Mass Readings: May 21 First: James 3:13-18; Resp: Psalm 19:8-10,15; Gospel: Mark 9:14-29 Listen to the Mass Readings Jesus expected His disciples and the crowd to have faith so as to expel demons (see Mk 9:19). Jesus invited the father of a possessed son to have greater faith (see Mk 9:23). Jesus connects faith with prayer (Mk 9:29). Will you pray to have a greater faith? (see Lk 17:5) How much will you pray for greater faith? Will you pray a Holy Hour for nine days to obtain...


“Receive the Holy Spirit.” –John 20:22 Happy Pentecost! Happy birthday of the Church! Come, Holy Spirit! On this “last and greatest day of the festival,” Jesus continues to cry out: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me; let him drink who believes in Me. Scripture has it: ‘From within Him rivers of living water shall flow.’ (Here He was referring to the Spirit)” (Jn 7:37-39). The Holy Spirit will come to us and through us renew the face of the earth (Ps 104:30). The Spirit will make us witnesses for the risen Christ (see Acts 2:32). He will give...


“He preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ with full assurance and without any hindrance.” –Acts 28:31, our transl. Paul was under house arrest for two years in Rome (Acts 28:16, 30). Before that, he was in prison for two additional years (Acts 24:27). Prior to that, he was in prison several other times (see 2 Cor 11:23). Trial, distress, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, and the sword made it very difficult for Paul to preach the Gospel (Rm 8:35). Nevertheless, the last word of Acts of the Apostles is that Paul “preached God’s kingdom with...