Tagged: Daily Promises


“We are at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” —Romans 5:1 Most people know there is a God. Some people even experience that God is present, loving, and/or personal. Others only sense God as a force. Those people who are aware of God as a person know they can reject God by sinning. They sometimes know when they’re not at peace with God. Then they feel a need to get right with God, to be justified (Rm 5:1). Few people experience much more of God than this, but there is much, much more of God. Jesus said to...


“The love of Christ impels us.” —2 Corinthians 5:14 The Lord tells us that the Christian life is like a race (see 2 Tm 4:7), indeed, like a marathon. There are many who do not cross the finish line. They are called “fallen away” or “backsliding” Christians. In fact, at the end of the world, unprecedented numbers of Christians will not cross the finish line. This is the great apostasy (2 Thes 2:3). Will you cross the finish line and live with the Lord forever? (see Phil 3:14) We cross the finish line not because we are strong or better...


“You have heard the commandment, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ What I say to you is: anyone who looks lustfully at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his thoughts.” —Matthew 5:27-28 In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus commands us to have the highest standard in resisting sexual temptations. We are to be pure and free, even if we have to gouge out our eyes or cut off our hands (Mt 5:29-30). The Lord does not intend for us to literally maim ourselves, but we must do whatever it takes to avoid the occasions of sin and...


“But whenever he turns to the Lord, the veil will be removed.” —2 Corinthians 3:16 At the age of twenty-one, I was blessed to take part in a Life in the Spirit seminar. During the fifth week, the team members laid hands on me to be baptized in the Holy Spirit (see Acts 8:17; 19:5-6). I had been reading the Bible every day for some time. The next day, I picked up my Bible for my daily Bible study. When I began reading the Scripture, the Word of God came alive in a new way. It was as though I...


“It is not that we are entitled of ourselves to take credit for anything. Our sole credit is from God.” —2 Corinthians 3:5 God does something for us and we thank Him for doing it. He does it a second time and we thank Him for helping us. He does it a third time and we say: “Look what I did.” We shift quickly from giving God the credit to taking the credit for ourselves. Our perspective is wrong. We ask God to help us, as if we’re in charge. Actually we should ask God for the privilege of helping...