Tagged: Daily Promises


“When the crowd had been put out He entered and took her by the hand, and the little girl got up.” —Matthew 9:25 The Lord hears the cry of the poor. In His mercy, “the Lord is close to the brokenhearted; and those who are crushed in spirit He saves” (Ps 34:19). When Jairus was crushed by the news of the death of his twelve-year-old daughter, Jesus raised her from the dead (Mt 9:25) and turned Jairus’ greatest sorrow into his greatest joy (see Ps 30:6). When a woman who had been hemorrhaging for twelve years had reached “the end...


“On entering any house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ ” —Luke 10:5 Jesus ministered in the temple and synagogue, on the mountain and at the lake, on the streets and in the desert. However, He chose none of these places to be the base for world evangelism. The chosen place for the ministry of Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be, the home. The home is where it’s at in God’s plan of salvation. The large church building exists to serve the home-church and not vice versa. The home has priority. Dioceses, educational institutions, and international ministries are...


“Rebekah had been listening while Isaac was speaking to his son Esau.” —Genesis 27:5 Rebekah loved her son, Jacob, more than she loved her husband, Isaac. Therefore, she had no qualms about deceiving Isaac so as to further Jacob’s interests. Rebekah put her motherhood before her marriage. Rebekah had her relationships out of order. This set the stage for a series of lies in which Jacob got a “dose of his own medicine” (see Gn 29:23ff; 37:32ff). Jacob suffered tragically throughout his life as a victim of his own deceptions and those of others. Are any of your relationships out...


“Never take my son back there!” —Genesis 24:8 Abraham insisted that Isaac never go back to Abraham’s ancestral place of origin, the land of the Chaldeans. That was a place of pagan religion. Abraham, who had left that land to follow the call of God, knew that going back to his lifestyle before God called him might mean permanently turning away from God. We live in a culture of death. Temptations in the secular culture abound, and the pressure to “fall away from [our] sincere and complete devotion to Christ” may overcome us (2 Cor 11:3). Perhaps we have a...


“The boat began to be swamped by the waves. Jesus was sleeping soundly.” —Matthew 8:24 Over the centuries, Church fathers and Scripture scholars have seen the Gospel boat as a representation of the Church. On occasion, the boat is rocked by violent storms, which threaten imminent destruction. Through it all, Jesus is constantly present to the Church, even when He seems to be sleeping (Mt 8:25). In the last few decades, the Catholic Church in the United States was “swamped” (Mt 8:24) by the storm of scandal. Some pundits even speculate that “we are lost” as a Church (Mt 8:25)....