Tagged: Daily Promises


“My son, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved.” —Sirach 3:17 Decide to “conduct your affairs with humility.” Decide to clothe your whole life from top to bottom in humility (see 1 Pt 5:5). Then “you will be loved more than a giver of gifts” (Sir 3:17). God will give kindness, favor, and grace to you (Sir 3:18). In addition to being loved and graced, your humility will keep you from repeatedly embarrassing yourself, for the proud often make fools of themselves (see Lk 14:9). In the early stages of humility, we receive many wonderful benefits. As...


“As regards brotherly love, there is no need for me to write you. God Himself has taught you to love one another, and this you are doing with respect to all the brothers.” —1 Thessalonians 4:9-10 When most people think of love, they think of loving their spouses, children, neighbors, friends, or even their enemies. However, Jesus, Who became incarnate and made Himself our Brother (see Heb 2:11), puts a great emphasis on loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. In fact, God Himself taught the Thessalonian Christians to love their brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Thes 4:9). The...

Yesterday on the way to Besant Nagar church I met sherly

“The reign of God can be likened to ten bridesmaids who took their torches and went out to welcome the groom.” —Matthew 25:1 The five foolish virgins may not have been any more foolish than most people. They had enough oil in their torches if the bridegroom came at the time expected. Even the wise virgins thought that if the groom came very late, the foolish virgins might have time to go and buy some more oil (Mt 25:9). Furthermore, the foolish virgins presumed the bridegroom would let them in late if they did not get back in time (Mt...


“We shall continue to flourish only if you stand firm in the Lord!” —1 Thessalonians 3:8 Do you ever look at the massive culture of death and feel that your prayers don’t have much of an impact? Do you ever feel that your parish or diocese wouldn’t miss you if you weren’t there? St. Paul would argue that your faithfulness has a tremendous impact on the Church. He told the newly converted Thessalonian Christians that his missionary team could only keep flourishing if they stayed firm in the faith! (1 Thes 3:8) Elsewhere Paul said: “Who is weak that I...


“Fresh from the humiliation we had suffered at Philippi — about which you know — we drew courage from our God to preach His good tidings to you in the face of great opposition.” —1 Thessalonians 2:2 When we’ve just been humiliated, we tend to focus on ourselves, be unforgiving and resentful, lick our wounds, and/or have a pity party. However, such a time of humiliation can be just the right time to proclaim the Gospel. The humiliation we suffered may have been a defensive maneuver by the devil to try to stop us from receiving an exceptional outpouring of...