Tagged: Daily Prayer Intention
Lord Jesus, today we pray for some of the ignored in our society – the widows, widowers, orphans and single parents. We pray that You will be the absent spouse, friend, mother and father for them all. May Your love surround them when they are at their lowest. May Your Holy Spirit give them inner strength, courage and joy. May angels be at their service when they need them. Bless their families and friends too mightily, Lord. Forgive the ones who reject them and cause them suffering. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our wounds. O God who healed the sick, have mercy on us all. May Your love that surpasses all human understanding fill us, cleanse us and strengthen us. Remove from each one of us any deep inner wounds which we got right from the time we were conceived, up to today. We pray that we can forgive and forget completely by Your grace. Help heal the ones we have wounded too. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You all the families in the world. Lord, the evil one is destroying families and close relationships. We pray that families, friendships are protected and that strife is routed in Your mighty name. May those who are in relationships, families learn the importance of praying – together and for each other. And through the power of that prayer, may we always live in physical proximity, emotional togetherness and Your kind of love. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You each and every person who has broken our hearts, injured us physically or emotionally or hurt our dear ones. Lord, we make a decision to forgive. Please take hold of each pieces of our shattered hearts and make them whole again. Pour forth Your Spirit and give us the healing that we need so badly. Wipe our tears tonight, when we are totally alone in this pain. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You those among us who are struggling in our marriages. We pray that husbands and wives will truly and sincerely love, honour and cherish this special gift from You. May homes be filled with the power and grace of God and may any hurts be washed away by Your precious blood. May their children experience Your healing touch too. Bind these couples together with the eternal cords of Your love. Amen.
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