Tagged: daily message

Selfless Act

Sister Gives Up Her Olympic Dreams So Her Twin Can Go Instead – a Selfless Act Twins Lanny and Tracy Barnes are both 31 years-old and have been training for the winter Olympics their entire lives. They grew up in skiing country and then learned to shoot from their father. A biathlon combines cross-country skiing and target shooting, so it seemed to be made for these two girls. As adults, both tried out for the Olympics. Tracy made it but Lanny did not. Then, something incredible happened. In an act of sisterly kindness unlike any we have heard of before,...

99 Year-Old Man Cares About One Thing: Showing Others Kindness

Walter Mitchell, known as old man Mitch to most people, doesn’t just sit around his house. Even though he is 99 years-old, he finds the motivation to get out every day… and help people. Every day, Mitch goes to the supermarket and waits to offer shoppers a ride home. He is out there most days, filling his days with purpose and giving others a helping hand. “That’s why I’ve lived so long,” he says. “If I wasn’t doing this, I probably would have been dead a long time ago.” Mitch sits in the parking lot of the Supremo Food Market...

Jesus will be back soon

In 1898, a ship called Mohegan sailed from London to New York carrying 57 passengers, 97 crew and 7 cattlemen. The Mohegan, originally named ‘Cleopatra’ was an extremely luxurious and modern ship for her time. She was built for ‘safety at sea’ and was equipped with 8 water tight bulk heads, fail safe lighting and pumping systems, 8 life boats capable of carrying 59 passengers and 3 compasses. At first all went well and the weather was quite good. The next day the ship took a wrong course which was noticed by the coastguard who attempted to signal to her...

The Handwriting On The Wall

A weary mother returned from the store, Lugging groceries through the kitchen door. Awaiting her arrival was her 8 year old son, Anxious to relate what his younger brother had done. “While I was out playing and Dad was on a call, T.J. took his crayons and wrote on the wall! It’s on the new paper you just hung in the den. I told him you’d be mad at having to do it again.” She let out a moan and furrowed her brow, “Where is your little brother right now?” She emptied her arms and with a purposeful stride, She...

Layers for the Future

On a whole my life has been just fine, But life is not a blend; The good, the bad and in between Are layered end to end. I cannot change a single whit Of one mistake I made; No matter how much good I do, The bad will never fade. Errors are forever; Shame is never cured, But efforts to do better Help it to be endured. The past is gone and changes not, But the future’s clean and free For piling up some layers Of a happy, sin-free me. I’d rather walk on better streets Than those I trod...