Tagged: daily bread


“We ourselves announce to you the good news that what God promised our fathers He has fulfilled for us, their children, in raising up Jesus, according to what is written in the second psalm, ‘You are My Son; this day I have begotten You.’ ” –Acts 13:32-33 Paul preached that Jesus’ resurrection from the dead was referred to in “the second psalm, ‘You are My Son; this day I have begotten You’ ” (Acts 13:33; see Ps 2:7). Paul implied that Jesus’ resurrection was a new birth in which Jesus was designated as the eternal Son of God (see Rm...


“When it takes place you may believe that I AM.” –John 13:19 Jesus foretold that one of His apostles would betray Him so that, when it took place, the apostles would believe that Jesus was the I AM, that is, God (see Ex 3:14). Even in front of a hostile crowd, Jesus said: “I solemnly declare it: before Abraham came to be, I AM” (Jn 8:58). Jesus also promised that, after He was lifted up on the cross, many would realize that He was the I AM (Jn 8:28). Those who do not believe this will surely die in their...


“They proclaimed the word of God.” –Acts 13:5 Because we love God’s Word, we are thrilled that “the word of the Lord continued to spread and increase” (Acts 12:24; see also Acts 6:7; 19:20). Because God’s Word is sweeter than honey (see Ps 119:103), we devour it. It becomes the joy and the happiness of our hearts (Jer 15:16). Because God’s Word is “more precious than thousands of gold and silver pieces” (Ps 119:72), we are willing to leave anything, go anywhere, and risk everything to proclaim the gospel. Because God’s Word will judge us on the last day (Jn...


“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” –John 10:28 Jesus promised to give us eternal life, that is, the quality of life that is lived in heaven forever. Jesus kept His promise when He died on the cross and rose from the dead. We received His gift of eternal life when we were baptized. We live eternal life when we give our lives to Jesus and love Him with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, and all our strength (see Lk 10:27). By faith, are we living eternal life right now? If we’re not...


“My solemn word is this: I am the Sheepgate.” –John 10:7 Jesus is not only the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11); He is also the Lamb of God (Jn 1:29) and even the Sheepgate. Don’t let anyone enter your life, family, or community except through Jesus. For example, don’t marry anyone who tries to enter your life through mere friendship or sexual attraction. Don’t let people into your life just because of business or money. TV personalities, athletes, and entertainers have a major influence in millions of people’s lives, but they probably have not entered through the Sheepgate, Jesus. “Whoever does...