Tagged: christian stories

The Blessing of No

I asked God to take away my pride. God said, “No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.” I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, “No. Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.” I asked God to grant me patience. God said, “No. Patience is a by-product of tribulations; it isn’t granted, it is earned.” I asked God to give me happiness. God said, “No. I give you blessings, happiness is up to you.” I asked God to spare me pain. God said, “No. Suffering draws...

The Doll Maker

In a little village, there lived a crafts man by name Ebun, who made wooden dolls for children. Ebun was so naturally gifted in his handwork that his fame spread to all the neighboring villages. People from all over the region came to buy wooden dolls from him or bring their broken dolls for repairs. He carefully studied the broken dolls and looked for the best way to mend it such that it looked exactly the way it was when he first made it. Ebun had a little daughter for whom he made a very beautiful doll on her tenth...

Nothing is Too Big for God

Two men went fishing. One man was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn’t. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back. The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day and finally got tired of seeing this man waste good fish. “Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish you catch?” he asked. The inexperienced fisherman replied, “I only have a small frying pan.” Sometimes, like that fisherman, we throw back the big plans,...

Today’s Story I Wish…

I wish I were big enough honestly to admit all my shortcomings; Brilliant enough to accept praise without it making me arrogant; Tall enough to tower above deceit; Strong enough to welcome criticism; Compassionate enough to understand human frailties; Wise enough to recognize my mistakes; Humble enough to appreciate greatness; Staunch enough to stand by my friends; Human enough to be thoughtful of my neighbors; And righteous enough to be devoted to the love of God.


Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store… She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries… She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food. John Long house, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store at once. Visualizing the family needs, she said: ‘Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can.’ John told her...