Tagged: Bible Study


“They called them back and made it clear that under no circumstances were they to speak the name of Jesus.” –Acts 4:18 Jesus is risen, and we are His witnesses (see Acts 1:8; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33; 10:41; 13:31). Satan could not keep Jesus from rising from the dead, but he can try to keep us from being witnesses for the risen Christ. However, we should never stop “speaking of what we have heard and seen” (Acts 4:20) from the risen Christ, no matter how much we may have to suffer. The risen Jesus Himself will back us up by reprimanding...


“When they landed, they saw a charcoal fire.” –John 21:9 When Simon Peter denied Jesus three times, he was standing beside “a charcoal fire” (Jn 18:18). After meeting the risen Jesus several times, Simon Peter then decided to return to his pre-Jesus career of commercial fishing (Jn 21:3), in effect denying Jesus’ call to be a fisher of men (Lk 5:10). In asking Simon “Do you love Me?” three times by a charcoal fire, Jesus also took him back to the scene of his three denials. Jesus allowed Simon Peter to undo his denials and replace them with professions of...


“It is His name, and trust in this name, that has strengthened the limbs of this man whom you see and know well.” –Acts 3:16 The name of Jesus has ultimate power. In Jesus’ name, the lame walk (Acts 3:6ff). At the name of Jesus, every knee must bow, in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth (Phil 2:10-11). “There is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other name in the whole world given to men by which we are to be saved” (Acts 4:12). No wonder the secular world removes pictures of Jesus from...


“Were not our hearts burning inside us?” –Luke 24:32 Jesus spent the afternoon of the day of His resurrection walking and talking with two of His disciples. “He interpreted for them every passage of Scripture which referred to Him” (Lk 24:27). As Jesus taught His disciples the Scriptures, their hearts began to burn within them (Lk 24:32). This sensation indicated that their hearts were being purified. Thus, Jesus spent the afternoon of His resurrection day purifying hearts through teaching the Bible (see Eph 5:26). Jesus is doing the same thing on this resurrection day (see Heb 13:8). If we let...


“Rather, go to My brothers and tell them.” –John 20:17 Jesus is risen, and we are His witnesses! After you renewed your baptismal promises on Easter, did you explode from the starting blocks, run into the whole world, and proclaim joy, freedom, and victory in the risen Christ? If so, you are like Mary Magdalene on resurrection day. Keep on running for Jesus (see 2 Tm 4:7). If, however, on this third day of the Easter octave beginning the Easter season, you are not running with the gospel, but are dawdling at the starting line, then repent, renew your baptismal...