Tagged: Bible Study


“The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men who will put Him to death.” –Mark 9:31 The Lord’s favorite subject is the cross. However, we naturally don’t understand His message of the cross (Mk 9:32). Moreover, we are afraid of the cross (Mk 9:32). Therefore, we don’t want to understand Jesus regarding the cross. We will not even question Him about it (Mk 9:32) but merely talk about something else – like ourselves. However, Jesus will question us if we won’t question Him. He’ll ask us: “What were you discussing?” (Mk 9:33) We may...


“I charge you to keep God’s command without blame or reproach.” –1 Timothy 6:14 The Lord charges us to obey Him. Pastors tell parishioners to obey the Lord. Parents command their children to obey. Christians who love each other charge each other to obey the Lord (see Jn 15:10). However, we are naturally inclined to disobey, “do our own thing,” and not listen to others, even to God Himself. By the Lord’s death and our Baptism into His death (Rm 6:3), we have been given a new nature – one that is not fallen and not tending toward disobedience. However,...


“Mary called the Magdalene, from whom seven devils had gone out, Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, Susanna, and many others…were assisting them out of their means.” –Luke 8:2-3 Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others assisted Jesus and the apostles out of their means. Many of you have assisted the Church out of your means. Many have assisted Presentation Ministries and One Bread, One Body out of your means. Although the Church greatly needs assistance, and assistance can be a supernatural gift of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:28), the charism and ministry of assisting others out of our...

Redeeming the time…

Colossians 4:5-6 5 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. (WEB) Seventy years may seem like a long time to live on this earth. And in some ways, it is quite a race that we are all running, but in the light of eternity, it is but a blink of an eye. In James 4:14, our life is called but a ‘vapor’…. Whereas you don’t know what your life will be like tomorrow. For...


“Little is forgiven the one whose love is small.” –Luke 7:47 Even what we call the slightest sin is an abomination before the all-holy God. Therefore, because we all have sinned, we deserve to receive God’s wrath (Eph 2:3) and to be punished forever in hell. However, the Lord took our sins and their punishment on Himself. He died on the cross to save us from sin and its consequences. If we repent and thereby accept Jesus’ death and forgiveness, we have accepted salvation. When we realize what Jesus has done for us, we live lives of thanksgiving (Lk 7:42)...