Tagged: Bible Study


“For the sins of my children I am left desolate, because they turned from the law of God.” —Baruch 4:12 Is there any greater anguish than that of a godly parent who must watch their child choose to forsake God? (Bar 4:8) “With joy” these parents “fostered” the faith in their children (Bar 4:11). Then, after their child has rejected God, they must “let [the child] go” with “mourning and lament” (Bar 4:11). If you have experienced this, imagine the experience of God the Father. Could anyone foster children (see Hos 11:4) better than the Father raises every human being?...


“We have been disobedient to the Lord, our God, and only too ready to disregard His voice.” —Baruch 1:19 Jesus commented that His sheep “recognize His voice” and “follow Him” (Jn 10:4). Jesus’ followers “will not follow a stranger; such a one they will flee, because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice” (Jn 10:5). Sometimes the Lord’s voice is not easy to hear. Jesus speaks softly, not crying out (Mt 12:19). The Lord often speaks most powerfully in “a still small voice” (1 Kgs 19:12, RSV-CE). Like Mary of Bethany, we must choose the better part, put everything aside,...


“Say to them, ‘The reign of God is at hand.’ ” —Luke 10:9 Jesus sent the seventy-two disciples on mission with no extras and no comforts. Their primary mission was to proclaim to the mission towns that the kingdom of God was at hand (see Lk 10:9, 11). This proclamation was so important that all else took second place. As an example of this, Jesus told his disciples not to move from house to house when they entered a town (Lk 10:7). This might seem like a nit-picking type of command, but this has a purpose. Jesus wants his missionaries...


“They became defiled by their works, and wanton in their crimes.” —Psalm 106:39 “The Israelites offended the Lord” (Jgs 2:11). They persisted in sin and eventually began to receive the wages of sin (Rm 6:23). The Lord “allowed them to fall into the power of their enemies round about whom they were no longer able to withstand. Whatever they undertook, the Lord turned into disaster for them” (Jgs 2:14-15). In their affliction, the people cried out to the Lord, and He took pity on them by sending the “judges” to lead them to repentance. However, the people did not completely...


“The herd of about two thousand [swine] went rushing down the bluff into the lake, where they began to drown.” –Mark 5:13 Jesus takes away the sins of the world (Jn 1:29). When He takes them away, He “will cast into the depths of the sea all our sins” (Mi 7:19). Jesus takes away your sins and dumps them into the ocean.Those sins fall thousands of feet to the depths of the sea, to remain there forever. No one can retrieve them. They are gone forever, and you are free. In case you should even want to get those sins...