Tagged: Bible Study


“Search the Scriptures.” –John 5:39 The Scriptures testify on Jesus’ behalf (Jn 5:39). If we believed Moses, that is, the first five books of the Bible, we would believe Jesus (Jn 5:46). If we don’t believe the Bible, how can we believe what Jesus said? (see Jn 5:47) If we don’t believe Moses and the prophets, that is, two major parts of the Bible, we will not be convinced of our need to repent, “even if one should rise from the dead” (Lk 16:31). St. Jerome’s words are true: “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ” (Catechism, 133). On...


“For the Father loves the Son and everything the Father does He shows Him.” –John 5:20 At this moment, the will of our Father is to lead us into a deep personal relationship with Him through Jesus and in the Spirit. That is why He sent His only Son to die and rise, why He wrote the Scriptures, and why He called us into this Lenten time of fasting. That’s why in the Catholic community we began Monday reading the Gospel of John for ten weeks. Especially this Gospel leads us into a personal faith-relationship with Jesus, the Way to...


“Remember, now, you have been cured.” —John 5:14 How could someone who had been sick for thirty-eight years forget that he had been healed earlier that day? Why would Jesus have to exhort him to remember that he had been cured? How could he be so ungrateful to Jesus and so forgetful of His love? Each year during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday, the Church reminds us to remember that we have been set free and healed by Jesus, our Redeemer. Yet how many of us forget His amazing mercy and become absorbed in our problems by Easter Monday?...


Bible Quiz Competition in Tamil  and English (Quiz- 75) “He and his whole household thereupon became believers. This was the second sign that Jesus performed.” –John 4:53-54 Jesus promised signs and wonders would accompany those professing their faith (Mk 16:17). Notice signs and wonders do not create faith as much as faith creates signs and wonders. Jesus disapproves of faith as merely an effect and makes it primarily the cause. He rebukes the people: “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you do not believe” (Jn 4:48). He called the royal official to believe before the healing of his son....


“We are truly His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to lead the life of good deeds.” –Ephesians 2:10 On Ash Wednesday, we began Lent, and the Lord commanded us to keep our works of mercy secret (Mt 6:4). At Easter Vigil, we begin the Easter season, and the Lord through the Church will ask us whether we reject all of Satan’s works. Works are important although we are not saved because of them (Eph 2:8-9). “Faith without works is dead” (Jas 2:26). We will accept or hate the light of Christ depending on our works, for those doing good works...