Tagged: Bible Study


“He went over to see if He could find anything on it.” –Mark 11:13 Jesus “inspected everything” in the Temple precincts (Mk 11:11). He was inspecting the spiritual fruit of the Temple worship. We know this from the fact that between visits to the Temple, Jesus inspected a fig tree and cursed it for not bearing fruit (Mk 11:14). Because it is of extreme importance to bear fruit by leading people to Jesus and by receiving the fruit of holiness (see Gal 5:22-23), Jesus is a strict “Fruit Inspector.” Usually, we must bear fruit no matter what the season, or...


“He began to call out, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!’?” –Mark 10:47 It’s hard to admit weakness, sin, or even sickness. The blindness of pride often prevents us from being healed of other kinds of blindness. After Bartimaeus began calling out, “many people were scolding him to make him keep quiet, but he shouted all the louder” (Mk 10:48). After we humble ourselves, the next obstacle to healing is often worrying about what other people think of us. Often, to receive healing, it is necessary to look like a fool in the eyes of the world. “Then...


“Appear not before the Lord empty-handed.” –Sirach 35:4 Whenever we pray, whenever we enter into God’s presence, we must come like the wise men to the manger, bearing gifts (Mt 2:11). Since Jesus is “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Rv 19:16), we enter into His courts bearing gifts. Praying hands are never empty hands. It’s not difficult to always have something to give to the Lord. For when we give, we find that “the Lord is One Who always repays, and He will give back” to us sevenfold, that is, indefinitely (Sir 35:10). We can give everything constantly,...


“Seeing His mother there with the disciple whom He loved, Jesus said to His mother, ‘Woman, there is your son.’ In turn He said to the disciple, ‘There is your mother.’ ” –John 19:26-27 I once heard a homily on the above Scripture passage. The priest noted that the order of Jesus’ words on the cross is important. Jesus first talked to Mary. This does not mean He was providing for her future, but that He was giving her a commission for the future. Jesus is handing over to His mother Mary the Church and all His disciples whom He...


“ ‘Peace be with you,’ He said again. ‘As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.’ ” —John 20:21 How did your fifty-day Easter season go? Did you shout Alleluia each day? Since Ascension has the Lord worked a miracle in your life? Have you prayed with a new heart in anticipation of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit? You may be thinking, “I’m tired and can barely make it through the day.” Don’t despair! Today is a day of new beginnings. It’s not too late to receive the fresh breeze of the Holy Spirit (see Acts...