Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation


“This poor widow contributed more than all the others.” –Mark 12:43 The widow of Zarephath and the widow in today’s Gospel reading both gave from their want, all that they “had to live on” (Mk 12:44; 1 Kgs 17:13ff). When Zacchaeus accepted salvation, he gave half his possessions to the poor (Lk 19:8). Barnabas donated his farm to the Church (Acts 4:37). It became so common to do this that Ananias and Sapphira lied and said they gave to the Church all the money they received from selling a piece of property, although they had only given most of it...


“They were in Christ.” –Romans 16:7 Life in Christ is: love, for Christians are brothers and sisters who lay down their lives for each other (see Rm 16:4; 1 Jn 3:16), work “in the service of Christ Jesus” (Rm 16:3), dangerous, for Christians are persecuted, imprisoned (see Rm 16:7), and even martyred, reason to be grateful forever (see Rm 16:4), a home-based community (Rm 16:5), “the mystery hidden for many ages” (Rm 16:25), to “believe and obey” (Rm 16:26), to give glory to the Trinity, to be trustworthy and faithful (see Lk 16:10-12), and the total gift of ourselves to...


“The owner then gave his devious employee credit for being enterprising! Why? Because the worldly take more initiative than the other-worldly when it comes to dealing with their own kind.” –Luke 16:8 The people of the world are usually charged up. They are in overdrive to make money and satisfy their carnal desires. It is nothing to work fifty, sixty, or more hours a week. They’ll stay up all night just to get a buzz. Almost no sacrifice seems too great to get ahead or feel high. Jesus says that we Christians should have that kind of initiative and drive...


“But you, how can you sit in judgment on your brother? Or you, how can you look down on your brother?” –Romans 14:10 Have you heard the old joke: “When is a door not a door?” Answer: “When it is ‘ajar.’ ” All over the world today, people will ask a similar question: “When is a person not a person?” In many cases, the answer will be: “When they are a rapist, a murderer, a bum, a fetus, a nursing home patient, a homeless person, a prostitute, etc.” In today’s Gospel parables, Jesus talks about a lost sheep and a...


“If one of you decides to build a tower, will he not first sit down and calculate the outlay to see if he has enough money to complete the project?” –Luke 14:28 Jesus commands us to “first sit down and calculate the outlay.” To be a Christian is easy and light insofar as the Lord will give us the grace to do His will (see Mt 11:30). Nevertheless, the Christian life is a yoke and a burden (Mt 11:30). We must give everything in order to live it (see Mt 13:44, 46). Are you willing to give everything to Jesus?...