Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation
“Observe them carefully, for thus will you give evidence of your wisdom and intelligence to the nations.” –Deuteronomy 4:6 Because of their disobedience, the Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years. They may have assumed they were obeying God, but Moses warned them that they were not obeying carefully enough (Dt 4:6). Jesus’ disciples probably thought they were obeying Him. However, Jesus proclaimed that He expected them to obey even the smallest part of a letter of the law (Mt 5:18; see also Ps 119:112). Then they were to obey the spirit of the law (2 Cor 3:6) and...
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“My heavenly Father will treat you in exactly the same way unless each of you forgives his brother from his heart.” –Matthew 18:35 We Christians know that we must forgive or we will not be forgiven. Jesus even taught us to pray for this (Mt 6:12). Therefore, we Christians usually say that we have forgiven, for we know we have no acceptable alternative. Nonetheless, have we forgiven by God’s standards? Have we forgiven from the heart? If we have truly forgiven, we: should realize that forgiveness is a miracle of God’s grace, for “to err is human; to forgive is...
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“Now I know…” —2 Kings 5:15 As sovereign ruler of the nation, King Joram of Israel was in the right position to know God’s power. He had access to any information he needed. Maybe he had too much information: when Naaman approached him to find God’s healing, Joram presumed the king of Aram wanted to provoke him (2 Kgs 5:7). As a captured slave, the little orphaned, pre-teen girl was seemingly not in a position to know the power and strength of God (2 Kgs 5:2). Guess which of the two knew of a healing prophet in the land of...
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“I want you to remember this…” —1 Corinthians 10:1 When you’re talking with Jesus, it seems like He’s always changing the subject to repentance. You might mention how tragic the most recent natural disaster was (see Lk 13:4). Jesus maneuvers the conversation to our need to reform (see Lk 13:4-5). You might mention to Him how pretty your Church building looks (see Mk 13:1ff). But Jesus turns the conversation into the need to be watchful and on guard against tragedy and sin. You’re hard at work, and Jesus talks about reforming your life (Mt 4:17). Why is repentance always on...
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“[Joseph] did as the angel of the Lord had directed him.” —Matthew 1:24 St. Joseph often found himself enmeshed in a series of unexpected circumstances. First, God became Lord of his marriage in a way no man could ever have imagined (Mt 1:18ff). Then, like a common refugee, Joseph was turned away from decent accommodations when he and Mary most needed them: at the moment of Jesus’ birth (Lk 2:7). Next, in the middle of the night, he had to fend off a government-led assassination plot against his infant Foster-Son (Mt 2:13). Three times he had to pack up and...
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