Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation


“Seven times he said, ‘Go look again!’ ” –1 Kings 18:43 Elijah prayed seven times for something that was good, something that was promised: the rain necessary to end a famine of three-and-a-half years. It took more than one prayer. Sometimes we must persevere in prayer. God certainly hears us the first time we pray, if our prayer comes from a forgiving, humble heart of service to Him (see Sir 35:16-17). Elijah did not grow skeptical the first time he prayed for rain and no rain came. He believed God and trusted Him, and prayed yet again, seven times (1...


“Answer me, Lord! Answer me, that this people may know that You, Lord, are God and that You have brought them back to their senses.” –1 Kings 18:37 The Lord gave Elijah the job of bringing down the idolatrous kingdom of the wicked Ahab and Jezebel. Elijah prophesied that it would not rain for three years (1 Kgs 17:1), and no rain fell. This crippled the economy, but Ahab and Jezebel survived. Then Elijah called down fire from heaven on Mt. Carmel and slit the throats of 450 prophets of the false god, Baal (1 Kgs 18:40). Nevertheless, Ahab, and...


“Know that the Lord does wonders for His faithful one.” –Psalm 4:4 Do you want to see the wonders of God? Then forget about them! The more we concentrate on being faithful servants of God – serving Him purely out of obedient love with no interest in being rewarded – the more He does wonders for His faithful ones (Ps 4:4). If our service to God is motivated by an interest in receiving His wonders, He may still move wonderfully on our behalf, because He cannot be unfaithful (2 Tm 2:13). However, we are the ultimate losers. We limit what...


“Barnabas went off to Tarsus to look for [Paul].” –Acts 11:25 Whenever a lowly underdog needed an advocate, the apostle Barnabas stepped forward. Barnabas was a champion for those who needed a second chance. Barnabas took Paul under his protection when Paul risked his life to return to Jerusalem (see Acts 9:27). Barnabas introduced Paul to the apostles and spoke glowingly on Paul’s behalf. Without Barnabas’ intervention, those in Jerusalem would have “refused to believe that [Paul] was a disciple” at all (Acts 9:26), given Paul’s background of zealously persecuting disciples of Jesus. When the church in Antioch needed encouragement...


“…gazing around Him at those seated in the circle…” –Mark 3:34 Jesus came to earth as a Man, and His experience of family was the love flowing through the Holy Family (Lk 2:39-40) and, later, through His relatives (Mk 3:31-32). Jesus has an unimaginably rich family history. Today’s Gospel presents an abrupt diversion from Jesus’ family experience. Jesus gazes at the crowd seated in the circle around Him (Mk 3:34). These people are “hanging on His words” (Lk 19:48). They seek wisdom, healing, or words of direction from One greater than they (Lk 11:31-32). Suddenly the Master is interrupted by...