Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation


“It is enough for the disciple to be like his Teacher.” –Matthew 10:25, RSV-CE In the original temptation, Adam and Eve were tempted to become like gods (Gn 3:5), knowing what was good and what was evil. They sinfully succumbed to that temptation, and soon it was not enough for them to have this knowledge. In a sense, Adam and Eve became their own “God.” They decided to be greater than their master (cp Mt 10:25). Jesus teaches: “It is enough for the disciple to be like his Teacher” (see Mt 10:25). Disciples imitate Jesus in His character and in...


“Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will turn against parents and have them put to death.” –Matthew 10:21 The Jewish Christians of the early Church often were rejected by their families when they became Christians and united themselves with Gentiles in the Body of Christ (see Eph 3:6). The Jewish Christians were sometimes betrayed by their family members, handed over to the authorities, and put to death. Thus, if Jewish Christians did not turn their backs on their fathers, mothers, wives, children, brothers, sisters, and their very selves, they could not be disciples...


My heart is overwhelmed; My pity is stirred.” –Hosea 11:8 God is so personally involved with each human being that His heart is overwhelmed with love for each person. He is a loving Father (see Hos 11:4). Although the message of the prophet Hosea has, to this point, generally been to convict us to repent of sin, today’s passage reveals that God loves each of us as a father, tenderly. Some of you may not have experienced merciful love from your earthly father and thus perceive God as stern, angry, and distant. Others feel so unloved by their earthly fathers...


“Break up for yourselves a new field, for it is time to seek the Lord.” –Hosea 10:12 Most peoples of the Bible were agricultural. Like all farmers, they had a special kind of relationship with the ground. Hosea prophesied that if the people did not repent of their idolatry, the ground would be their death. The mountains would cover them and the hills fall on them (Hos 10:8; Rv 6:16). An unrepentant, idolatrous people would be buried in a spiritual landslide. However, if we repent and become disciples of Jesus, we will plow the ground and bear much fruit. If...


“Beg the harvest Master to send out laborers to gather His harvest.” –Matthew 9:37-38 In this part of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus has been on a healing-deliverance tour. He has lifted up the paralyzed, healed the hemorrhaging woman, raised up the dead, and cured the blind (Mt 9:1ff). Finally, Jesus expelled a demon from the mute man, and the man began to speak (Mt 9:33). Matthew recounts this miracle last to emphasize it. “The harvest is good but laborers are scarce” (Mt 9:37). There are few to proclaim the good news of the kingdom (Mt 9:35). The devil’s got our tongues;...