Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation


“Jesus on entering the house asked, without giving him time to speak: ‘What is your opinion, Simon?’ ” —Matthew 17:25 Eternal life is to know personally God the Father and Jesus Whom He sent (Jn 17:3). When we know others personally, we can elaborate on how they talk, think, work, pray, deal with problems, etc. When we know Jesus personally, we can wax eloquently on His ways, even on how He corrects us. Jesus can come on strong in correcting us. For example, when Peter refused to accept the message of the cross, Jesus “turned on Peter and said, ‘Get...


“That servant is fortunate whom his Master finds busy when He returns. Assuredly, his Master will put him in charge of all His property.” —Luke 12:43-44 My prayer is that you readers of One Bread, One Body will constantly be “faithful, farsighted” servants of God (Lk 12:42), busy sowing His Word in season and out of season (Lk 12:42; 2 Tm 4:2). If you are faithful in doing this, Jesus “will put you in charge of larger affairs” (Mt 25:21). In fact, He promises He will put you “in charge of all His property” (Lk 12:44). What is God’s property?...


“God can multiply His favors among you.” —2 Corinthians 9:8 August is an expensive month. Vacations, picnics, entertainment, air conditioners, and school clothes don’t come free. As we start to see the summer passing, many people feel so empty they try one more summer fling. And, of course, flings cost money. When we see our money ending before our summer ends, we try to cut corners. Usually we give God, His Church, and His work very little or nothing, and spend our money amusing ourselves. Consequently, most ministries, including this one, wonder each year if they’ll survive the summer. God’s...


“You led Your people like a flock.” —Psalm 77:21 In today’s first eucharistic reading, Moses has led the Israelites through the desert for forty years. The people are now on the verge of entering into the Promised Land. They’re so close to reaching their long-awaited goal that they can almost taste it. Before crossing into the land, Moses stops the people on the verge and has them recall what God has done for them. Through a long discourse that comprises the entire book of Deuteronomy, Moses pauses and reminds his people that it’s more important to possess the God of...


“Because you were not faithful to Me in showing forth My sanctity before the Israelites, you shall not lead this community into the land I will give them.” —Numbers 20:12 Moses was not faithful to the Lord in showing forth the Lord’s sanctity when he brought forth water from the rock. Consequently, God told Moses he would not enter the Promised Land. Some people speculate that Moses should not have struck the rock twice or that he said the wrong thing to the people. The psalmist clarified this by observing that Moses’ mistake was the “rash utterance” that “passed his...