Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation


“Paul invited the prominent men of the Jewish community to visit him.” —Acts 28:17 Tomorrow is the great feast of Pentecost. The first Christian Pentecost was an international, multicultural event. People of many languages gathered to worship God. The Holy Spirit prompted the apostles to praise God publicly in other languages, and all the various groups of people understood them (Acts 2:6). One reason for the great power and conversions at Pentecost was that many diverse people were gathered together (Acts 2:5-6). The Holy Spirit used the first Pentecost to unite people who had been separated. Since God is the...


“I issued orders that he be kept in custody until I could send him to the emperor.” —Acts 25:21 St. Paul’s ongoing imprisonment featured a mockery of justice. Accusers charged him with nonsensical “crimes.” He experienced interminable delays as he was handed from one authority to another. It seemed like Paul was “for nothing, uselessly,” spending his strength (Is 49:4). Yet from an evangelistic standpoint, the aimless circumstances were not useless or aimless at all. As persecutions and mismanagement increased, so did Paul’s opportunities to spread the Gospel, witness to Jesus, and evangelize. Paul wasn’t frustrated or worn down, partly...


“I pray that they may be [one] in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” —John 17:21 Many worldly people, especially young people, are extremely naive about unity. They even think they can “make love” and make unity by their own power. They think they can make a marriage work without a commitment to the Lord, without the Church, and often without prayer. Most of these naive, worldly people are soon crushed in their broken relationships. As brokenness and unfaithfulness become a pattern in their lives, they despair of love and unity and become cynical about even...


“Paul knelt down with them all and prayed. They began to weep without restraint, throwing their arms around him and kissing him, for they were deeply distressed to hear that they would never see his face again.” —Acts 20:36-38 When St. Paul knew that he was seeing the leaders of the church of Ephesus for the last time, he had no regrets, for he “never shrunk from announcing to [them] God’s design in its entirety” (Acts 20:27). Imagine the occasion when you will see your children, spouse, or brothers and sisters in Christ for the last time. Will you have...


“I am on my way to Jerusalem, compelled by the Spirit and not knowing what will happen to me there — except that the Holy Spirit has been warning me from city to city that chains and hardships await me.” —Acts 20:22-23 The Holy Spirit will touch, bless, and enlighten us. He can be like a refreshing breeze, a warm fire, and cool waters. The Holy Spirit will also compel, warn (Acts 20:22-23), and convict us of our sins (Jn 16:8). He can be like a strong, driving wind (Acts 2:2), a purifying, consuming fire (see Heb 12:29), and raging...