Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation


“I will walk at liberty, because I seek Your precepts.” –Psalm 119:45 When Scripture refers to the law, it is speaking of much of the Old Testament. St. Paul argues strongly that grace is what is critical rather than the law. It’s not that the law does not matter; the law simply pales in comparison to the absolute greatness of Jesus Christ and the grace He offers to each of us. The law deals with the external but, as the Gospel says, God is concerned with the internals, our heart. The law serves a good purpose, establishing the basis for...


“It was for liberty that Christ freed us. So stand firm, and do not take on yourselves the yoke of slavery a second time.”–Galatians 5:1 It was for liberty from sin that Christ set us free (Gal 5:1). Once we are set free from sin through Baptism, conversion, and the sacrament of Confession, we become a target for the devil and his kingdom of darkness. Satan and his demons constantly appeal to our old human nature that was drowned in the waters of Baptism. That human nature, inherited through original sin, is constantly seeking selfish pleasures. Scripture demonstrates that it...


“Invite to the wedding anyone you come upon.” —Matthew 22:9 God wants His house to be full for His heavenly banquet (Lk 14:23). His strategy for filling His house is to send His servants all over His kingdom, especially to the byroads (Mt 22:9), alleys (Lk 14:21), and other unlikely places. Thus, God’s banquet will only be filled if His servants “come upon” (Mt 22:9) people that are hard to locate. Jesus understands this dilemma. That’s why He specifically calls His servants “fishers of men” (Mt 4:19). Any fisherman who wants to bring home a catch knows that he will...


“Blest are they who hear the word of God and keep it.” –Luke 11:28 Physical relationships can be very fulfilling for human beings. For example, a married couple’s physical relationship expressed in sexual intercourse can be an exceptional blessing. The physical relationship of a mother with the child she conceives, births, and nurtures is also one of the greatest blessings in life. Therefore, a woman cried out to Jesus: “Blest is the womb that bore You and the breasts that nursed You!” (Lk 11:27) However, Jesus responded: “Rather…blest are they who hear the word of God and keep it” (Lk...


“The result is that the last state of the man is worse than the first.” –Luke 11:26 The worst state possible for a human being is not being an atheist in the grip of the devil but being a fallen-away Christian, a backslider, a lukewarm believer. Jesus prefers that a person be an atheist rather than a lukewarm Christian (see Rv 3:15). Lukewarmness nauseates Jesus (Rv 3:16). “When men have fled a polluted world by recognizing the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then are caught up and overcome in pollution once more, their last condition is worse than their...