Tagged: Bible Reading & Meditation
“Who is this Man Who utters blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” –Luke 5:21 Jesus always has forgiveness on His mind. The roof literally falls in, but Jesus responds: “My friend, your sins are forgiven you” (Lk 5:20). A man lay before Him paralyzed and Jesus says: “The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Lk 5:24). The apostles ask Jesus to teach them to pray, and Jesus replies: “Forgive us the wrong we have done as we forgive those who wrong us” (Mt 6:12). Even while hanging on the cross, among His last words...
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“In His arms He gathers the lambs.” –Isaiah 40:11 The Lord plans to comfort His people (Is 40:1). However, it’s hard to comfort a person on the move. When my children were small, they often fell and hurt themselves. I would gather the screaming child in my arms (Is 40:11) and attempt to “give comfort” to them (Is 40:1). Sometimes they would get stiff as a board and refuse to be comforted. Other times, they would squirm relentlessly and would not accept comfort. When they allowed me to comfort them, I placed their head against my chest, and they rested,...
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“At the sight of the crowds, His heart was moved with pity.” –Matthew 9:36 The Lord is planning a wonderful Christmas. He promises: “No more will you weep” (Is 30:19). Our prayers will be answered immediately (Is 30:19). We will no longer be confused but know exactly which way to go (Is 30:21). Our lives will be fruitful and life-giving (see Is 30:23-25). We will walk in the light as never before and also see the Lord healing His people (Is 30:26). These are just a few of Jesus’ plans for Christmas. So much needs to be done to accomplish...
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“This I seek…” –Psalm 27:4 Before Jesus healed the blind men in today’s Gospel, they had the gift of faith (Mt 9:28). After they received sight from Jesus, they disobeyed His orders to keep the healing secret. Instead, the formerly blind men spread word of Jesus “through the whole area” (Mt 9:31) before Jesus was ready for that to happen. On another occasion, Jesus healed a leper (Mk 1:41) who also had humility and faith. Once healed, this leper likewise disobeyed Jesus’ order to keep the healing secret (Mk 1:44). He went off and spread the report abroad with the...
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“Anyone who hears My words and puts them into practice is like the wise man who built his house on rock.” –Matthew 7:24 Jesus, being a carpenter, thinks in terms of building. For instance, He thinks that life is like building a house. Our lives must be founded on Him, the Rock-Foundation (1 Cor 3:11), or they will collapse under the stress of the storms of life (Mt 7:26-27). We found our lives unshakably on Christ by hearing and obeying His words (Mt 7:24). This new Church year also is like building a house. If we establish and strengthen our...
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