My dear brothers and sisters in the Love of Lord,“With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”
– Mark 10:27 (ESV)
It has been made possible by the Lord, our God Jesus that the website “Jesus My Great Master” ( reached to the hearts of more than 2,500,000 + visitors, from more than 202 Nations around the globe.
It is top matter to us that it is now being seen or heard around the world.
It is happy to notice that many people are being benefited through this internet ministry.
In the continuation of our travel in the same path towards the Gospel, it is important to us that your Prayers:
1. Kindly uphold us in your routine prayers.
2. Kindly pray for the “Prayer requests” come from the public.
The collective prayers which might be able us to reach to the Gospel.
Also your Moral and Financial support too matter to us to carry out the ministry that might be useful to achieve or reach the goal, the Gospel:
(a). Moral Support:
1. Kindly like us on Face book (
2. Kindly follow us on Twitter and other social networks like gplus and tagged etc..,
3. Kindly recommend our resources to your friends, relatives, neighbors and colleagues which would be
a way for the Gospel to reach all.
4. Kindly send us your articles, messages, prayers and testimonies to be published in the website as well in the other social networks like Face Book.
(b). Financial Support:
1. Financial Support is extremely valuable to us since we need to face financial expenditures such as charges towards web hosting and maintenance and for internet.
2. A little payment to our dedicated team members also would be a boost to them.
3. Financial Support from you is most important to us, which would cover our above operating costs and enable us to work without restraint towards our mission and will help sustain all above and provide for further growth.
We have more plans to do in the future to reach the Gospel which can be succeeded by your extreme Moral and Financial Support only.
Kindly support us, the Christian web ministry to continue to spread the Good News.
Volunteers, who would like to contribute to our Christian internet ministry are requested to contact the undersigned in the following email id: Your Support, both Moral and Financial are sincerely appreciated! Your Support, both Moral and Financial are sincerely appreciated!
Be blessed!
In Him,
Dr. J. Jeyaraj