“The apostles and presbyters accordingly convened to look into the matter.” –Acts 15:6

What did you eat for breakfast this morning? What did you eat for supper last night? Had the outcome of the meeting between St. Paul, St. Barnabas, and the church in Jerusalem gone differently, you might not be eating bacon or ham in your meals (see Acts 15:29). Your life could be quite different, and perhaps you might not even be a Christian at present, if the Christian leaders in Jerusalem had not followed the Holy Spirit.

The discernment of the early Christians was marvelous to behold. It would have been easy for the Church to insist upon retaining Jewish kosher food practices and other such customs. Nonetheless, the Church leaders relied upon the Holy Spirit for discernment (Acts 15:28). Their openness to the Spirit’s leading resulted in unity in the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:3).

For two thousand years the Church has been discerning the Spirit. Many refuse to accept the unity offered by submission to the Church’s discernment and teaching. However, by your docile submission to the Church, the lives of your loved ones can be changed for the good. Will you participate in the unity the Holy Spirit offers you by submitting to the Church’s teaching?

PRAYER: Father, help me to be docile to Your teaching at all times.
PROMISE: “Apart from Me you can do nothing.” –Jn 15:5
PRAISE: Robert and his wife didn’t understand the Church’s teachings on sexuality until they practiced it.

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