“Do you love Me?” –John 21:15, 16, 17

Mass Readings: May 18
First: Acts 2:44-47;Resp: Psalm 131:1-3;Gospel: Luke 12:22-31

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Simon Peter honestly believed that there was no reason to doubt that he loved Jesus. That’s why “Peter was hurt because [Jesus] had asked a third time, ‘Do you love Me?’ ” (Jn 21:17) Although Peter had denied Christ a few weeks before this encounter (see Lk 22:57ff), Peter assumed that this was no reason for Jesus to doubt Peter’s love for Him. Moreover, Peter had returned to the fishing business he was working in before he met Jesus (Jn 21:3ff). Yet Peter didn’t see that he was living B.C. (before Christ) and was thereby demonstrating further reason to doubt his love. Peter had met the risen Christ several times, but he was still languishing in following Jesus’ commission to lead the apostles. Everyone may have noticed it – everyone but Peter.

“Do you love” Jesus? (Jn 21:15) What does your life say? Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of sin and the denial of reality which comes with sin (see Jn 16:8). Ask the Holy Spirit to purify you through obedience (1 Pt 1:22) and to produce in you an authentic love for Jesus (see Gal 5:22).

PRAYER: Father, send the Holy Spirit to free me from self-deception about love and to fill me with true love.
PROMISE: “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all my being, bless His holy name.” —Ps 103:1
PRAISE: Pope St. John I reconciled the Eastern and Western Church. Pope St. John I, pray for unity in the Body of Christ in our present time.

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