“Should you build Me a house to dwell in?” –2 Samuel 7:5
Mass Readings: January 24
First: 2 Samuel 7:4-17; Resp: Psalm 89:4-5,27-30; Gospel: Mark 4:1-20
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Audio PlayerDavid had the desire to do something great for God. Surely David’s motivation was well-intentioned. Yet God never asked for a house or temple (2 Sm 7:7).
Thank God for church buildings, for homes in which Jesus is enthroned as Lord, for business buildings dedicated to the glory of God. Almighty God, however, cannot be contained. When Solomon, David’s son, completed the building of the Temple, Solomon himself recognized that even the heavens, and the highest heavens, could not contain the God of the universe (1 Kgs 8:27). Mysteriously, this awesome God was contained in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the flesh of Jesus. Now the Lord is contained in the tabernacle, in the host of the Holy Eucharist. Moreover, this awesome, cosmic Lord actually dwells within us (see Jn 6:56; 17:23).
So although God cannot be contained, He often allows Himself to be contained and hidden. However, he lets Himself be contained not to be limited and put in a box, but rather for the purpose of living through us, flowing out of us as a river of life (see Gal 2:19-20). Let us seek to be holy, as befitting someone within whose heart Jesus lives.
PRAYER: Father, may I be a walking tabernacle, bringing Your Son Jesus into every place I go.
PROMISE: “Let him who has ears to hear Me, hear!” —Mk 4:9
PRAISE: St. Francis spent all of his time between Masses preparing for the next.