“He that offers praise as a sacrifice glorifies Me; and to him that goes the right way I will show the salvation of God.” –Psalm 50:23

Mass Readings: March 14
First: Isaiah 43:16-21; Resp: Psalm 126:1-6; Second: Philippians 3:8-14; Gospel: John 8:1-11.

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The Lord commands us to praise Him (Ps 50:14); it is a due sacrifice we offer to God (Ps 96:8), just as the other sacrifices we owe Him. It takes humility to praise God, humility to recognize our sinfulness before Him (Is 1:16ff).

We cannot praise Him without acknowledging our own humble position before Him. He is all-powerful and all-merciful. If we are proud, we will not be able to praise Him. In our pride, we will either elevate ourselves, making ourselves the judge, or we debase Him, bringing Him down to the level of a puny being with no relevance. In the latter case, we judge Him unworthy of being praised; in the former case, we don’t bother praising Him, for we judge the Lord to be no more capable of arranging things than we are. If we feel we don’t need Him, then we don’t feel He is worthy of our praise.

Pride is the enemy of praise. The Lord loves a humble heart that praises Him. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord (Jas 4:10; see 1 Pt 5:6). Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! (Ps 150:6)

PRAYER: Father, may I never prefer the praises of men to the glory and praises of God (Jn 12:43).
PROMISE: “Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow.” –Is 1:18
PRAISE: Often Joyce just prays the Name, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…”

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