“…the necessity of praying always and not losing heart.” –Luke 18:1
Audio PlayerMass Readings: October 16
First: Exodus 17:8-13; Resp: Psalm 121:1-8; Second: 2 Timothy 3:14–4:2; Gospel: Luke 18:1-8
Jesus teaches us in today’s parable to pray in perseverance for our needs (Lk 18:1). Elsewhere in Scripture, Jesus reveals more about how to pray always with perseverance and power:
Pray by listening to God (Lk 10:38-42).
Pray in a love-relationship with “Abba” (Mt 6:9; Gal 4:6).
Pray with faith. Jesus is always looking for faith (Lk 18:8).
Pray without ever losing heart, that is, not growing weary and not going through the motions of prayer (Lk 18:1).
Pray the words of Scripture (2 Tm 3:16). Praying the Word of God has powerful force (Jn 10:35).
Pray in confident power with others (Mt 18:19-20; Acts 4:24-31; Ex 17:8-13).
“Pray in the Spirit” (Eph 6:18) using the spiritual gift of tongues. The Holy Spirit directly intercedes through us in tongues and helps us in our weakness (Rm 8:26).
Pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17).
Observe a young couple in love. They spend day after day in each other’s presence without growing weary of each other. Therefore, ask Jesus to give you a new heart (Ez 36:26) and open it to receive the love He is pouring out through the Holy Spirit (Rm 5:5). Then your prayer will grow in love instead of growing weary.
PRAYER: Father, may I pray not because I want something from You, but always because I want You.
PROMISE: “All Scripture is inspired of God and is useful for teaching – for reproof, correction, and training in holiness.” –2 Tm 3:16
PRAISE: Praise Jesus, crucified and risen Lord. All glory, honor, and praise be to You!