” ‘I am completely trapped,’ Susanna groaned…’Yet it is better for me to fall into your power without guilt than to sin before the Lord.’ ” –Daniel 13:22, 23

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We need many more Susannas in our culture of death. These Susannas will refuse to compromise with the sinful ways of the world, the flesh, and the devil. They will “live by the Spirit” (Gal 5:25) and defeat the temptations of the devil through the Spirit working within them (Gal 5:17). These Susannas will have an indefatigable hope, which will never leave them disappointed (Rm 5:5). They will trust in the Lord to reward their holiness, even when all seems against them (Dn 13:22ff).

We need many more Daniels in our culture of death. The Holy Spirit will stir up these Daniels (Dn 13:45) to speak out as a lone voice against the well-financed, extremely powerful forces that profit from sexual immorality. These Daniels will be branded as intolerant, prudish, narrow-minded fanatics stretching their crusade too far. God, however, will brand these Daniels as holy and give them an undying hope to keep speaking out even when they can’t see any results (Rm 8:24-25).

Would we even have a culture of death if enough Susannas and Daniels had cried out fifty years ago? With John the Baptizer, Susanna, and Daniel, let us be voices crying out in the wasteland of the culture of death: “Make straight the way of the Lord” (see Mt 3:3).

PRAYER: Father, give me “a well-trained tongue, that I might know how to speak” (Is 50:4) and the fear of the Lord to speak out.

PROMISE: “The whole assembly cried aloud, blessing God Who saves those that hope in Him.” –Dn 13:60

PRAISE: Matt and Stephanie continue to be open to the bearing of more children even though they may be outgrowing their house.

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