“When you lift up the Son of Man…” –John 8:28

Mass Readings: April 4
First: Acts 5:12-16;Resp: Psalm 118:2-4,13-15,22-24;Second: Revelation 1:9-13,17-19;Gospel: John 20:19-31

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When the Son of Man is lifted up, Jesus will draw all people to Himself (Jn 12:32) so that they may realize that He is God (Jn 8:28), believe that He is Healer, and receive eternal life (Jn 3:14-15). Lifting up Jesus unleashes a life-changing, parish-changing, and world-changing sequence of events. Therefore, we must devote ourselves to ensuring that Jesus is constantly being lifted up.

How is Jesus lifted up? He is lifted up:

  1. on His cross. Display crucifixes everywhere – in your home, parish, school, office, car, and other places.
  2. at the elevation of the Eucharist in Mass. Attend Mass daily or as often as possible, and invite others to join you.
  3. as He is exposed in the monstrance at Eucharistic adoration. Adore the eucharistic Jesus whenever possible.

Work to promote eucharistic adoration wherever you can.

  1. in a manner of speaking, in the praises of His people. Praise God daily. Praise Him in church (Ps 150:1). Praise Him with the spiritual gift of tongues (1 Cor 14:2, 17). Start or join a prayer and praise group. Pray the Divine Praises. “Praise the Lord!” (Ps 150:6)
  2. during Sunday Mass, as the Word of God, Jesus (Jn 1:1, 14), is lifted up as the priest or deacon lifts high the Book of the Gospels before proclaiming the Gospel reading. Teach others to tremble at His Word (Is 66:2).

Jesus proclaims: “I – once I am lifted up from earth – will draw all men to Myself” (Jn 12:32). Therefore, “lift high the cross!” Lift up the name of Jesus! Give your world a lift.

PRAYER: Jesus, may I decrease so that You may increase (Jn 3:30).
PROMISE: “You will surely die in your sins unless you come to believe that I AM.” –Jn 8:24
PRAISE: St. Isidore’s brothers and sister also became canonized saints

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