“Who among you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wasteland and follow the lost one until he finds it?” –Luke 15:4
Audio PlayerOne of the most beautiful – and disappointing – verses of the Bible is: “God is Love” (1 Jn 4:16). We all want to be loved, but we don’t necessarily value being loved by Someone Who by His nature loves everyone. We want to be loved exclusively, individually, and specially. If someone told you “I love you,” you would probably be impressed. If that same person repeated this to everyone, you may not be so impressed.
However, God loves everyone – not generically, but individually and specially. This is impossible for us to do or even conceive. Yet “nothing is impossible with God” (Lk 1:37). God created us as unique individuals. He knows everything about us. He remembers every word, thought, and action we have ever said, had, or done. He has numbered the hairs of our head (Mt 10:30) and even counted every tear we’ve ever shed (Ps 56:9). God’s individualized knowledge of each of us indicates His individualized love for each of us.
The Lord would leave ninety-nine sheep in the desert to focus His attention on you (Lk 15:4). If you were the only person in the world, Jesus would have died just for you. The Heart of Jesus doesn’t love you because He loves everyone; rather, He loves everyone, because He loves each of you individually and specially.
PRAYER: Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me!
PROMISE: “The love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us.” –Rm 5:5
PRAISE: Praise the burning, bleeding, merciful heart of Jesus! Alleluia!