LIFE OR LIVING DEATH? (see 1 Jn 3:14)

“If their purpose or activity is human in its origins, it will destroy itself.” –Acts 5:38

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If you play your cards right, compromise your principles, and do whatever it takes, you can be successful by worldly standards, pass yourself off “as someone of importance,” and build up “quite a following” (Acts 5:36-37). Of course, in the end your life will come to nothing and destroy itself (Acts 5:36, 38; see also Lk 9:24).

If you decide to follow Jesus, deny your very self, and take up the cross daily (Lk 9:23), your life will seem to be a joke, an absurdity (1 Cor 1:18; see also 4:9-10). You could have possessed, owned, and consumed so much, but you threw your life away running after a Jewish Carpenter Who said He was God. You won’t have much to show for your life except a loaf, a fish, or a few dollars. However, Jesus will multiply your little life to feed the masses (see Jn 6:10ff). Your life will go down in history, be written in the history book of life (see Rv 20:15), and transcend history into eternity.

What a privilege to live for Jesus! One day with Him is better than a thousand elsewhere (Ps 84:11). It’s better to suffer with Him than to enjoy life without Him (see Acts 5:41). “You are not to spend what remains of your earthly life on human desires but on the will of God” (1 Pt 4:2). Live and give all for Jesus.

PRAYER: Father, may I not waste my life on doing my own thing.

PROMISE: “Day after day, both in the temple and at home, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news of Jesus the Messiah.” –Acts 5:42

PRAISE: Mark quit his job for a big business to start his own little one in obedience to God’s call.

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