“No prophet is without honor except in his native place, among his own kindred, and in his own house.” –Mark 6:4

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At the beginning of His public ministry, the people of Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth attempted to murder Him by trying to throw Him over a cliff (Lk 4:29-30). Later, some of Jesus’ relatives, probably from His hometown, “came to take charge of Him, saying, ‘He is out of His mind’ ” (Mk 3:21). This may have been more traumatic than the attempt on His life. Nevertheless, Jesus went back to His hometown and taught “in the synagogue in a way that kept His large audience amazed” (Mk 6:2). However, “He could work no miracle there, apart from curing a few who were sick by laying hands on them, so much did their lack of faith distress Him” (Mk 6:5-6).

Jesus reaches out in love, forgiveness, and mercy to those who hate, attack, reject, dishonor, and distress Him. Sometimes these people even repent. As did some of Jesus’ relatives, go into the upper room and receive a new Pentecost (Acts 1:14).

If you have rejected Jesus, there is hope for you no matter what you have done – if you only repent. If you have been rejected with Jesus, there is hope, for the Lord is changing the hardest hearts.

PRAYER: Father, in this year may I see more and greater conversions than ever before.

PROMISE: “My grace is enough for you.” –2 Cor 12:9

PRAISE: Praise the forgiving, merciful, and risen Lord Jesus!

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