“Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John.” –Mark 1:9

Mass Readings: January 8
First: Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7;Resp: Psalm 29:1-4,3,9-10; Second: Acts 10:34-38; Gospel: Mark 1:7-11

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At the Jordan River, St. John the Baptist baptized thousands of people with a baptism of repentance. Repentance, or metanoia, was an 180-degree turn from sin. So what happened to those sins that those people left behind? Symbolically, the repented sins remained there, in the waters of the Jordan, after the people rose out of the water.

Along comes Jesus, Who had no need of Baptism. He had no sins to wash into the water. Some Scripture scholars have pondered Jesus’ action there in the River Jordan, and the deep relationship between Jesus and His cousin, John. Despite John’s protests, Jesus told John to go ahead and baptize Him for the sake of righteousness (Mt 3:15).

What John didn’t understand beforehand, but may have grasped afterwards, was that Jesus took upon Himself at His Baptism in that same Jordan river all the sins that had been “left behind” in the water. Jesus is present in the waters of Baptism. When we are baptized, Jesus has already entered that water to take all our sins upon His shoulders, to pay the price for all sins, including ours, on the cross.

PRAYER: “God indeed is my Savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the Lord” (Is 12:2).
PROMISE: “All you who are thirsty, come to the water!” —Is 55:1
PRAISE: Praise Jesus, the Father’s beloved Son in Whom He is well pleased! (Mt 3:17)

The Top Scorers list and the winners of 2017 Bible Quiz

Quiz – 25 to 36 (January to December 2017) Tamil

S.No Name City Country Quiz Counts Total Score
1 Saral Tuticorin India 12 180
2 M.S.Kulandai Theresa Chennai India 12 179
3 Jenefer Darwin Oslo Norway 12 178

Quiz – 25 to 36 (January to December 2017) English

S.No Name City Country Quiz Counts Total Score
1 Kanaka Susheela Hubli India 12 180
3 Jegatha Mol Marthandam India 10 150

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