“I assure you, as often as you did it for one of My least brothers, you did it for Me.” –Matthew 25:40
Audio PlayerWe are entering into the forty-day Lenten fast. Our fast can affect our interior disposition, directing our heart, mind, body and lives toward God, correcting our appetites and conforming ourselves to God’s will. Part of this renewal is alms-giving. The Lord might be asking us to give to the poor what money and time we save by fasting. For example, if we save three dollars by skipping lunch, we could use that money to help feed or clothe someone. If we save a half- hour by having only a snack for supper, we shouldn’t merely watch more TV or do more work. Instead, we could give that time to strangers, the imprisoned, or sick persons.
If possible, we should fast for a specific intention. We may fast for John’s conversion, for Mary to accept the call to become a nun, for peace in a particular country, for Harry to return to the Lord and the Church, etc.
In addition, fasting from food should be accompanied by feasting on God’s Word. We shouldn’t give in to the temptation of thinking too much about all the food we’re not eating; rather, we should read and meditate on God’s Word day and night (Ps 1:2).
Fasting is not only depriving ourselves of food. It is also recycling our money, time, and energy to serve others and build ourselves up in the Spirit. Fasting is fulfilling. Do a full-service fast.
PRAYER: Jesus, teach me to fast as You did (see Mt 4:2).
PROMISE: “Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.” –Lv 19:2
PRAISE: Fasting has increased Louise’s capacity to resist temptation and do good works.