“…to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” –Malachi 3:24

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Many earthly fathers don’t have hearts for their children. In today’s culture, there is an epidemic of fatherless children whose father is still alive. Sadly, too many children are “fatherless” even though their dad lives in the same house. Many fathers also do not have a heart for their possible future children. The job of a father is difficult, and is greatly under attack by Satan and his pawns who shape the modern, secular culture.

However, God calls fathers to one of the greatest causes in history: to represent Father God to their wives and children. This is an irreplaceable role in a child’s life. God the Father loves all people with an everlasting love; fathers are called to teach this truth to their children through their constant fatherly love (see Jer 31:3). God the Father knows what His people need and provides for them without fail; fathers are likewise called to faithfully spend their lives trusting in God’s provision for their family and working diligently to provide for their children (see Mt 6:32ff).

Fathers, do you have more faith in God’s ability to provide for all the children He will send you, or do you have more faith in the constraints of a difficult economy, a rising cost of living, and soaring costs of education and health care? Do you use your tongues to bless God (Lk 1:68) or speak of all the reasons you shouldn’t have children?

By their trust or fear, fathers teach their children to trust God the Father or not. Fathers, God has put the future of the world in your hands. Therefore, trust in God at all times (Ps 62:9).

PRAYER: Father, raise up many godly fathers to transform this culture of death into a civilization of life.

PROMISE: “The friendship of the Lord is with those who fear Him.” –Ps 25:14

PRAISE: “O Emmanuel, King and Lawgiver, Desire of the nations, Savior of all people, come and set us free, Lord our God.”

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