“If anyone does not receive you or listen to what you have to say, leave that house or town, and once outside it shake its dust from your feet.” –Matthew 10:14
Audio PlayerRemember, man, that we are dust (Gn 3:19), and we tend to pick up dust as we struggle through life. As we announce the good news of God’s kingdom, we are often rejected and persecuted. We naturally feel resentment, discouragement, and unforgiveness. However, we must shake off this lethal dust, or we will no longer be able to serve in God’s kingdom.
Through forgiveness and healing, we let the Lord dust us off. For instance, Joseph was almost murdered by his brothers. They eventually sold him into slavery. Next, Joseph was falsely accused of rape, for which he was sentenced to years in prison. After thirteen years of slavery and prison, Joseph would naturally be very dusty – even encrusted with dust. Miraculously, however, Joseph forgave his brothers (see Gn 45:5) and many others. He was dusted, clean, healed, and victorious.
Jesus hung on the cross covered with dust and grime. Inside, however, He was clean, innocent, and spotless. He even prayed: “Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing” (Lk 23:34).
The Lord wants to dust you. Go to Confession, forgive, shake the dust off, and be free.
PRAYER: Father, remove the dust which is affecting my breathing in the Spirit.
PROMISE: “As you go, make this announcement: ‘The reign of God is at hand!’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, heal the leprous, expel demons.” –Mt 10:7-8
PRAISE: St. Augustine Zhao Rong was a soldier who converted to the Catholic faith while providing an escort service for a French bishop. He became a priest and spread the gospel until arrested. He died as a martyr while in prison.