“The woman then left her water jar and went off into the town.” –John 4:28

Mass Readings: March 19
First: Jeremiah 20:10-13Resp: Psalm 18:2-7;Gospel: John 10:31-42

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A Samaritan woman brought her water jar to the town well to fill it with water (Jn 4:7). Jesus, sitting by the well, offered her living water instead (Jn 4:10). Jesus told her: “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never be thirsty; no, the water I give shall become a fountain within him, leaping up to provide eternal life” (Jn 4:14). The woman, filled with the flowing water of the Spirit, forgot all about well water, and simply left her water jar sitting by the well. Her only concern was to tell others about Jesus (Jn 4:28).

God created human beings to be physically and spiritually thirsty. We need to physically drink every day, and need to spiritually drink even more frequently. Even the most hard-hearted are thirsty for Jesus’ living water, whether or not they recognize it. Once the Samaritan woman drank of Jesus’ living water, she couldn’t help but bring that water to others. Likewise, it’s up to us to give God’s thirsty people a drink of Jesus’ living water.

The Samaritan woman teaches us that when we drink fully of the water Jesus offers, we will start evangelizing. We’ll be so filled with living water that we won’t be able to help it. If we’re not evangelizing, it’s likely a symptom that we’re getting spiritually dehydrated. Jesus says: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me; let him drink who believes in Me. Scripture has it: ‘From within him rivers of living water shall flow’ ” (Jn 7:37-38). Come to Jesus; drink deeply; tell the world about Him.

PRAYER: Jesus, immerse me in Your living waters. “Water from the side of Christ, wash me.”
PROMISE: “Doing the will of Him Who sent Me and bringing His work to completion is My food.” –Jn 4:34
PRAISE: Praise You, Jesus, the crucified Resurrection and the Life! (Jn 11:25). You are “the Author of Life” (Acts 3:15).

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