“I will give you a new heart.” –Ezekiel 36:26
Because of the effect of sin on the human race, the human heart is “beyond remedy” (Jer 17:9). It cannot be fixed, controlled, educated, or bettered sufficiently to please God or to give us the power to live a free, fully human life. We are doomed unless we can get a heart transplant. Our problem is that all possible donors have the same defective heart. They too need a heart transplant and are also looking for donors. We need to be saved from this impossible situation.
Jesus alone is the Savior. He is both the Doctor (see Mk 2:17) and the Donor. How can the Doctor be the Donor unless He could give His heart to us (see Jn 19:34) and then rise from the dead to perform the operation? How can the Doctor be the Donor unless He was a human being with a human heart, while also being God so as to rise from the dead and do the impossible? Only a God-Man can do what the human race needs done. Only the God-Man, Jesus, has the power to fulfill God’s promise to give us a new heart.
Give your heart and life to Jesus. Repent of sin. Accept Him as Savior, Lord, and God. Receive His heart.
PRAYER: Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me. Give me Your heart.
PROMISE: “You must go out into the byroads and invite to the wedding anyone you come upon.” –Mt 22:9
PRAISE: When struggling with another person, Grace asks God to give her His heart for that one; He does and her love is renewed.