“Though the Aramean force came with few men, the Lord surrendered a very large force into their power, because Judah had abandoned the Lord.” –2 Chronicles 24:24
Audio PlayerJehoiada, the priest, brought about a great revival for the people of Judah. They repented of idolatry and adored the true God for almost forty years (2 Chr 23:17). They even restored the temple (2 Chr 24:4ff). However, after the death of Jehoiada, the people of Judah “forsook the temple of the Lord, the God of their fathers, and began to serve the sacred poles and the idols” (2 Chr 24:18). They even killed Jehoiada’s son when he prophesied against their idolatry (2 Chr 24:20-22). Because of their sin, the Lord surrendered a very large force of Judah into the hands of a few Arameans (2 Chr 24:24).
In our times, some Christians claim they are the “moral majority,” yet a few people have been able to defeat millions of Christians in legalizing abortion, promoting euthanasia, removing prayer from public schools, promoting homosexual acts, etc. Masses of Christians are being defeated by a few non-Christians because we have lost our first love (Rv 2:4). We “are caught up and overcome in” the pollution of the world once more (2 Pt 2:20). Possibly a parent, pastor, or Christian friend has helped us fix our eyes on Jesus. Now that is no longer the case. So we have fallen away, backslid, and have been defeated by even the weakest enemies. “Repent, and return to your former deeds” (Rv 2:5). Rise from sin and defeat into salvation and victory.
PRAYER: Father, in Jesus I will be more than a victor (Rm 8:37) and not a pitiful, defeated victim.
PROMISE: “Seek first His kingship over you, His way of holiness, and all these things will be given you besides.” –Mt 6:33
PRAISE: Steven neglected Confession for years, but finally accepted the grace to return to the Lord. Now he gives teachings to encourage people to seek the mercy of Jesus in Confession.