“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” –John 1:14

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On this great celebration of Christmas, we recall Jesus being constricted for love of us:

Jesus, Son of God and Eternal Word of God, Whom the universe cannot contain (2 Chr 6:18), is constricted in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Jesus, through Whom all things came into being (Jn 1:3), accepts the constraints and limitations of a human body.
After birth, Jesus was “wrapped in swaddling clothes” (Lk 2:12). These clothes encircled His body, constricting Him.
The Baby Jesus was hunted down by the government. His family fled to Egypt. He was constricted through life as a Refugee in a land far from His home (Mt 2:14ff).
Jesus was constricted on the cross, the Almighty God pressed to its wood by a few nails.
Jesus was constricted again by swaddling clothes. His burial cloths were wrapped around His immobile body.
After dying, the body of Jesus was constricted in a tomb.
Why did Jesus submit to these constrictions for our sake? “God is Love” (1 Jn 4:16), and love endures all things (1 Cor 13:7).

PRAYER: Thank You, Jesus, for taking on the constrictions of our humanity so You could set us free in the power of Your resurrection! I join my human life to Yours. I put my life in Your hands.

PROMISE: “Any who did accept [Jesus] He empowered to become children of God.” –Jn 1:12

PRAISE: “For a Child is born to us, a Son is given us; upon His shoulder dominion rests” (Is 9:5). “With the Lord is kindness and with Him is plenteous redemption” (Ps 130:7).

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