“Paul, by the will of God an apostle of Christ Jesus sent to proclaim the promise of life in Him, to Timothy, my child whom I love.” –2 Timothy 1:1-2

St. Paul considered St. Timothy and St. Titus his spiritual children (2 Tm 1:2; Ti 1:4). Paul remembered them in his prayers “constantly, night and day” (2 Tm 1:3). When Paul and Timothy went their separate ways to serve the Lord, Timothy broke into tears (2 Tm 1:4). Paul felt so close to Titus that his very presence lifted Paul’s spirits (2 Cor 7:6). Both Timothy and Titus were accountable to and submissive to Paul. Timothy obeyed Paul by staying on in Ephesus although he may have wanted to quit that ministry (see 1 Tm 1:3). Titus obeyed Paul by taking on the exceptionally difficult ministry of appointing presbyters in every town of Crete (Ti 1:5).

Paul’s relationships with Timothy and Titus are a good model of authentic Christian relationships. These relationships are Christ-centered, prayerful, submissive, deep, loving, pure, and self-sacrificing. The Lord wants to gift us with these kinds of relationships. If we die to ourselves and obey the Lord, He will give us relationships of unconditional love, permanent commitment, and deep joy. Let Jesus be Lord of all your relationships.

PRAYER: Father, may my relationships not be conformed to this world, but transformed by Your Spirit (see Rm 12:2).
PROMISE: “For this reason, I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God bestowed when my hands were laid on you.” –2 Tm 1:6
PRAISE: “Thanks be to God, Who has put an equal zeal for you in the heart of Titus!” (2 Cor 8:16)

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