“Children, it is the final hour.” –1 John 2:18
Audio PlayerOn this last day of the year, the Church declares that God the Father is warning His children that “it is the final hour.” Many antichrists have appeared and are appearing (1 Jn 2:18). The ultimate Antichrist may even be alive and close to his temporary takeover of the world (see 2 Thes 2:3ff).
As deceptive and powerful as these antichrists are, we who have given our lives to Jesus have no reason to be afraid. We “have the anointing that comes from the Holy One, so that all knowledge is” ours (1 Jn 2:20). There is One greater in us “than there is in the world” (1 Jn 4:4). In Christ, we have “within” us the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:17), Who is Power from on high (Acts 1:8) and Who guides us to all truth (Jn 16:13).
“Therefore, brothers, stand firm. Hold fast to the traditions you received from us, either by our word or by letter. May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself…console your hearts and strengthen them for every good work and word” (2 Thes 2:15-16, 17).
End this year totally dedicated to Jesus by accepting Jesus totally – on His terms. He will empower you to become a child of God the Father (Jn 1:12) and fill you with the Holy Spirit. Then you cannot help but have a happy new year.
PRAYER: Father, by Your grace, I forgive, repent, and obey. May I go into the new year with no unfinished business.
PROMISE: “My reason for having written you is not that you do not know the truth but that you do, and that no lie has anything in common with the truth.” –1 Jn 2:21
PRAISE: Pope St. Sylvester I led the Church to the Truth through persecutions from outside and divisions within.