Category: Daily Reflections
“Through baptism into His death we were buried with Him.” –Romans 6:4; see also Colossians 2:12 The only thing we know Jesus did while He was buried is “that He went to preach to the spirits in prison” (1 Pt 3:19). “The reason the gospel was preached even to the dead was that, although condemned in the flesh in the eyes of men, they might live in the spirit in the eyes of God” (1 Pt 4:6). At the beginning of His public ministry, Jesus stated that what He had “come to do” was to “proclaim the good news” (Mk...
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“He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him.” John 1:11 If you love someone you allow him or her the freedom that their spirit needs. It is only by setting someone free the bonds of mutual love may be strengthened. The principle of generous love forms the basis of the Christian gospel. God allows you the freedom of choice to either believe in Him or reject Him. Christ does not want to compel you love Him. He invited you by grace to accept Him and associate with Him through a relationship of love....
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“He bowed His head, and delivered over His spirit.” –John 19:30 A few days before I wrote this, a man was executed by the state of Florida in its electric chair. Florida ordered that a mask be put on, “so marred was his look beyond that of man, and his appearance beyond that of mortals” (Is 52:14). The mask and the skin on his face caught fire. Even some of the most hardened observers hid their faces (see Is 53:3) as they smelled the burning flesh. The condemned man maintained before his electrocution that he was innocent. He probably was...
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” ‘If I do not wash you,’ Jesus answered, ‘you will have no share in My heritage.’ ” –John 13:8 Today we begin the Triduum, seventy hours of prayer, followed by the Easter season, fifty days of celebrating the risen Christ. Today, we begin one of the most important times in our lives. By going to the Mass of the Last Supper tonight, we are deciding to have our feet washed. Even if our feet are not washed at this Mass, we are still deciding by our presence to have our feet washed. We decide to do this because otherwise...
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“Distressed at this…” –Matthew 26:22 The apostles were deeply distressed that Jesus’ betrayer was seated in their midst at the Last Supper. However, Jesus was not distressed, although hours later in the garden of Gethsemane Jesus “began to experience sorrow and distress” (see Mt 26:37). Yet, in the presence of His betrayer, Jesus was calmly in control of the situation. Jesus does things to instruct His disciples, and also us. He’s trying to teach them, and Judas, how we should respond in the presence of our enemies, and that the appropriate response is mercy. Jesus reaches out to Judas with...
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