Category: Daily Reflections


“Along with their harps, the elders were holding vessels of gold filled with aromatic spices, which were the prayers of God’s holy people.” –Revelation 5:8 John called the prayers of God’s people “aromatic spices,” that is, incense. Figuratively speaking, our prayers have a pleasing smell, are surrounded by others’ prayers, and rise to God. Our prayers sound, smell, and move. Moreover, our prayers are contained in “vessels of gold” (Rv 5:8). Because what a container holds is usually more valuable than the container, our prayers are said to be more valuable than golden vessels. Our precious prayers are held by...


“We will not have this man rule over us.” –Luke 19:14 The evil in the world is so massively powerful and well-funded that despair and discouragement are natural reactions. Worldly people hate the Lord and will not accept His kingdom in secular society (Jn 15:18ff). They oppose the Kingdom of God with all their strength. In today’s Gospel parable, Jesus proclaims that He understands this worldly opposition, prophesied by Simeon while He was just a Baby (Lk 2:34). This coming Sunday is the Feast of “Christ the King, Lord of the Universe.” If King Jesus chose, He could crush evil...


“The Son of Man has come to search out and save what was lost.” –Luke 19:10 Jesus has an extraordinary ability to point out sins, but He does so in such a way that people are happy to repent, do penance, restore damages, and then have fellowship with Him. Notorious sinners such as Matthew and Zacchaeus were happy to be with Jesus (see Mt 9:9-10; Lk 19:6). It’s still the same today (Heb 13:8). Jesus draws all people to Himself (Jn 12:32). Sinners throughout the ages have been so happy to receive the love and mercy of Jesus that they...


“Receive your sight. Your faith has healed you.” –Luke 18:42 Many Christians in our secular humanistic culture have been programmed to have reservations about Jesus’ healings. They wonder whether Jesus really did all those healings. Even if they believe He did, they doubt whether He still does such things. They think that things are different now, and of course, they are right. Now we can’t talk to Jesus standing right in front of us, and we can’t audibly hear His voice. Things are different for us than for those who walked and talked with Jesus. However, these differences do not...


“I bid you resolve not to worry about your defense beforehand.” –Luke 21:14 Doesn’t the Word of God say to be ever ready to give a reply to those who question you about why you live a life of faith? (1 Pt 3:15) The Holy Spirit is the Paraclete (Jn 14:26), a term which can be translated as “Attorney for the Defense.” Since the Holy Spirit is our Defense Attorney, we are actually stifling the Spirit (1 Thes 5:19) if we try to take over the Spirit’s job. Let the Spirit prepare your defense. You need only to be His...