Category: Daily Reflections


“Jesus said: ‘What an unbelieving and perverse lot you are!’ ” –Matthew 17:17 Jesus called His disciples “an unbelieving lot” because they failed to drive out a demon. He implied they did not even have the minuscule faith comparable to a mustard seed (Mt 17:20). On another occasion, Jesus wondered if there would be any faith in the whole world when He returned for the second and final time (Lk 18:8). According to these statements by Jesus, faith seems rare, even an “endangered species.” Yet, Jesus expects us to have faith, for “all depends on faith” (Rm 4:16). “Faith is...


“A cloud came, overshadowing them, and out of the cloud a voice: ‘This is My Son, My Beloved. Listen to Him.’ ” –Mark 9:7 Jesus’ apostles did not listen to Him when He spoke of the cross and other matters. If we don’t listen to someone, we probably won’t know them well. When we don’t know someone well, we usually don’t love them much. This proved true of the apostles, for one betrayed Christ, another denied Him, and all except St. John abandoned Him when He was crucified. In the Transfiguration, Jesus tried to change His apostles’ view of Him...


“Jesus then said in reply, ‘Woman, you have great faith!’ ” –Matthew 15:28 The Canaanite woman cried out to Jesus: ” ‘Lord, Son of David, have pity on me! My daughter is terribly troubled by a demon.’ He gave her no word of response” (Mt 15:22-23). She kept shouting. Jesus replied, “My mission is only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mt 15:24). She pleaded, “Help me, Lord!” (Mt 15:25) Jesus answered: “It is not right to take the food of sons and daughters and throw it to the dogs” (Mt 15:26). She insisted (Mt 15:27). Her...


“Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses.” –Numbers 12:1 Moses prayed for Miriam after she accused him, and she was healed (Nm 12:13ff). Jesus prayed for and suffered for His accusers. Those who repented and received Him were given eternal life. He “bore wrongs patiently” and achieved the greatest work of mercy ever, dying for His enemies (see Rm 5:8-10). Some years ago, when the news broke of sexual scandals of some Catholic priests, a certain man was publicly berating all priests, even on occasion during Holy Mass. This angered me to the point that I had to bring it to...


“Give them something to eat yourselves.” –Matthew 14:16 Jesus has placed His disciples in a fantastic position. On one side is the human race, which continually grows hungry and has a daily need for food. On the other side is the Lord, Who has a continual desire to feed, nourish, and even satisfy hungry humanity (see Ps 81:11, 17; Mt 14:20). God has placed us, as His disciples, between Him and the rest of mankind, charging us with feeding His people (Mt 14:16; Jn 21:15ff). We are God’s middlemen, His ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20), charged with bringing the two parties...