Category: Daily Promises


“The scepter shall never depart from Judah.” —Genesis 49:10 God works through people — lots of them. Today’s readings make this clear. The line of Jesus the Messiah is traced through the tribe of Judah (Gn 49:8ff), and the Gospel genealogy traces the lineage. Despite the sinfulness and shame of the descendants of Judah, the Divine Physician entered this family lineage to redeem the sinful and heal the sick (see Mk 2:17). The genealogy shows that God truly became man. Jesus is one of us. He lived among us (Jn 1:14). He has redeemed the human family tree. “He is...


“The Pharisees and the lawyers, on the other hand, by failing to receive his baptism defeated God’s plan in their regard.” –Luke 7:30 God is all-powerful and all-loving. He wills to love us with an everlasting love (see Jer 31:3). However, God has given us the freedom to defeat His plan in our regard. We can deprive ourselves from receiving God’s love by refusing to be baptized in, that is, immersed in repentance (Lk 7:30). This Christmas season, the Lord has plans for us to experience the breadth, length, height, and depth of His love (Eph 3:18). However, we can...


“I will leave as a remnant in your midst a people humble.” –Zephaniah 3:12 Christmas is for the humble. The Lord has promised: “Then will I remove from your midst the proud braggarts…I will leave as a remnant in your midst a people humble and lowly” (Zep 3:11, 12). Christmas is “hidden from the learned and the clever” and revealed to the smallest children (Lk 10:21). Christmas is the exaltation promised by the Lord of those who have humbled themselves (Mt 23:12). Therefore, learn from Jesus, Who is “gentle and humble of heart” (Mt 11:29). Follow His example and humble...


They thought to themselves, ‘If we say “divine,” He will ask us, “Then why did you not put faith in it?” ‘ ” –Matthew 21:25 It is evident from their answer to Jesus that the chief priests were not interested in God’s truth. Even Balaam, a pagan, mercenary seer, was interested in what God said (Nm 24:13). The chief priests would not speak on behalf of God (Mt 21:27). God made Balaam speak a word of blessing, even though Balaam was paid to speak curses (Nm 23:25-26). God used Balaam for the good of His plan. Ultimately, even the chief...


“What are we to do?” –Luke 3:12 “The crowds asked [John the Baptizer], ‘What ought we to do?’ ” (Lk 3:10) Tax collectors asked John: “What are we to do?” (Lk 3:12) Soldiers likewise asked him: “What are we to do?” (see Lk 3:14) As we near Christ’s coming, we too ask: “What are we to do?” The Lord answers our question through the Church. Traditionally, today is called “Gaudete Sunday.” “Gaudete” is a Latin word meaning “rejoice.” What we are to do is to “shout for joy” and “sing joyfully” (Zep 3:14). We are to “rejoice in the Lord...