Category: Daily Promises

Today’s Promise : I will give power to the exhausted and I strengthen the weak.

Isaiah 40:29 (WEB) He gives power to the weak. He increases the strength of him who has no might. Promise #227: I will give power to the exhausted and I strengthen the weak. We live in an upside down kingdom where the first will be last and the last will be first. The greatest will be the least and the least will be greatest. In 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, the Apostle Paul says that God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the strong. There is something in the heart of God that rushes to the defense of...

Today’s Promise: If you rest in Me and wait patiently, you will inherit the land.

Psalm 37:7-9 (WEB) 7 Rest in Yahweh, and wait patiently for him. Don’t fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who makes wicked plots happen. 8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath. Don’t fret, it leads only to evildoing. 9 For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for Yahweh shall inherit the land. Promise #226: If you rest in Me and wait patiently, you will inherit the land. This is a call to rest and wait. In the culture that we live in, these are two of the most difficult things...

Today’s Promise: Forgiveness and healing are among My many benefits

Psalm 103:2-3 (WEB) 2 Praise Yahweh, my soul, and don’t forget all his benefits; 3 who forgives all your sins; who heals all your diseases; Promise #225: Forgiveness and healing are among My many benefits. When a person is interviewing for a new job, one of the questions that they would typically ask is “Could you tell me about the benefit package for this job?” Different jobs have different benefits. Health care, dental plans, retirement plans, etc. In this promise, David is worshipping God and reminding himself not to forget all of the many benefits that come as part of...

I will gladly give the Holy Spirit to those who will ask.

Luke 11:13 (WEB) If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” Promise #224: I will gladly give the Holy Spirit to those who will ask. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of both God the Father and God the Son. In Matthew 10:20, Jesus tells His disciples that when they are dragged before the courts, it will not be them speaking, but the Spirit of their Father. In Galatians 4:6, the Apostle Paul says that God has given...