Category: Daily Promises

Today’s Promise : I bind up the brokenhearted and I will comfort all who mourn.

Isaiah 61:1-2 (WEB) 1 The Spirit of the Lord Yahweh is on me; because Yahweh has anointed me to preach good news to the humble. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to those who are bound; 2 to proclaim the year of Yahweh’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; Promise #233: I bind up the brokenhearted and I will comfort all who mourn. This is the Bible passage that Jesus read in the temple that affirmed His calling at the start...

Today’s Promise : Do not despise My discipline, for in time I will heal your wounds.

Job 5:17-18 (WEB) 17 “Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects. Therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. 18 For he wounds, and binds up. He injures, and his hands make whole. Promise #232: Do not despise My discipline, for in time I will heal your wounds. You may be reading today’s promise and wonder why I would have ever chosen a Bible passage about discipline and wounding to be part of 365 Promises. We don’t hear too many sermons preached about the discipline of the Lord and if we do, they may be skewed from the...

Today’s Promise : I will make you fruitful in your old age.

Psalm 92:13-14 (WEB) 13 They are planted in Yahweh’s house. They will flourish in our God’s courts. 14 They will still bring forth fruit in old age. Promise #231: I will make you fruitful in your old age. I want to finish my life well. In Hebrews 12:1-2, we are called to throw off all the things that hinder us and the sin that so easily entangles us to run our race. I am not sure how many days I have left on this side of heaven, but I want each one of them to mean something from an eternal...

Today’s Promise : If two of you agree in prayer, I will do whatever you ask

Matthew 18:19 (WEB) Again, assuredly I tell you, that if two of you will agree on earth concerning anything that they will ask, it will be done for them by my Father who is in heaven. Promise #230: If two of you agree in prayer, I will do whatever you ask. In today’s promise, Jesus is speaking to his disciples and is encouraging them about how to pray. In the verse previous to this one, He tells them that whatever they bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever they loose on earth will be loosed in heaven....

Today’s Promise : Though you have many plans, My purpose will be fulfilled

Proverbs 19:21 (WEB) There are many plans in a man’s heart, but Yahweh’s counsel will prevail. Promise #229: Though you have many plans, My purpose will be fulfilled. Over the years, I have looked to this Bible verse many times. By nature, I am a strategist and a planner. I like to know how to best prepare for whatever life has to throw at me. Unfortunately, many of the plans that I have put into place have never come to pass. That is why I take great comfort in this verse because it basically says that while we have many...